Thursday, May 31, 2012

Live Theatre

Author: jahangeer
The history of theatre charts the development of theatre over 2,500 years.
Now the question arises who started Live Theatre, the answer of this question has lots of ambiguities. it is almost impossible to find an answer of the question asked above because some of the data in books or over the internet leads that people of Greek were responsible to it but some signals towards Egyptian, both of these countries (Greek & Egypt) has ancient history.
Unlike over all the world history of theatre in Canada is not that old. Canadian theatre was born of amateurs, but then later on professional actors began to arrive from Europe to Canada. By then a traditions of performing entertainments and theatricals had been established in ...
both the English and French colonies. The first ever act was acted by a wide-cross section of the two societies from soldiers to tradesmen and merchants. The earliest product was performed in English with the name of "Love in Calm" took in Halifax in 1744.
Since then Live Theatre started to flourish in Canada. People in form of groups, families, couples and even individual do go to watch Live Theatre. Their feedback about the Live Theatre is exceptionally numerous worth reading/listening.
To promote the Live Theatre Hotel stage-west is working hard. Management of hotel has built a huge stage within a hotel for theatre to interact people from all over the world, anyone who visits Canada and stay in hotel stage-west will be attracted towards theatre or any of the local who goes to the restaurant of said hotel has also a chance to sit in a theatre and watch people performing in a theatre.
People in canada prefers to theatre over cinemas,because of noise in cinema has grown since the invention of cell phone, but in theatre there is no noise except the voice of people who performs on stage and this creates attraction for the people who do not like to hear any kind of voice in cinema halls.
Beside the atmosphere is nice and the seats are all arranged that no matter where you sit you have a good view of the stage. One should experience the theatre of stage-west if get a chance to visit mississauga.
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About the Author
This article is written by Jahangeer and contains data of Live Theatre.

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