Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ancient Greek Music: Sappho's Wedding Hymn (Epithalamion)

The Pythagorean Musical Modes, the Four Temperaments and their Planetary Counterparts

Author: Cepheus
This article is number four in a series of short articles explaining the use of ancient musical modes to aid mental balance and inner harmony. The first article covered the subject in general; the second covered the Phlegmatic humour; and the third, dealt with the Choleric temperament. The present article deals with balancing the Sanguine.

I also cover the ancient Greek astrological conception of ...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Art Of Today

Author: David Tatham
We hear many stories of artists living fanciful lives, enjoying all the pleasures and pains that life can throw at them. But what of the hardworking serious artists in their everyday lives.
From an early age, most professional artists would enjoy, and have an aptitude for painting and drawing. It is a very small percentage people that become household names across the planet. Time and place is always an important factor for success, but the greatest ingredient is ...

Monday, June 25, 2012

China: Fabulous Asian Sculpture and Art

Author: Wesley
When Marco Polo returned to Europe after living in China for 24 years, he brought with him stories and small samples of Chinese sculptures, ceramics, enamels, furniture and art. By the middle of the 18th century, Europeans were trading and craving for Asian products, Chinese art, designs, furniture, chinaware and sculpture figurines.
The Chinese Chou period (1122-221 BC) brought about the prominence of bronze casting. But, even before this, Chinese master craftsmen were producing art beyond its peak with fine stone, ivory, jade and bronze sculptures.
Fabulous ceremonial vessels and sculptures used by the nobility for funerary art and ancestor worship are ...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

World of Music

Author: Naqi Khan
For those of us located in the Western portion of the world, we often think of all things Eastern as being very similar to each other. However, when you are talking about Indian and Pakistani music, movies, and music videos, nothing could be farther from the truth.

One glaring example of this difference is the music videos made in India and Pakistan from their popular film soundtracks. While both types of music play a big part in...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Different Kinds of Modern Dance

Different Kinds of Modern Dance
By Michel Maling
There are many different types of modern dance. As a modern dancing teacher I often get asked 'what exactly is modern dancing?' It is a difficult question to explain, as modern dance is broken up into so many different styles and forms, but I will discuss the most popular forms as per my own dance classes.
When most people think of modern dance, they picture cabaret dancers or the type of dancers that you see aboard cruise liners or in musical shows. This is modern, but...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ancient Greek Theatre

By Mike S Shaw
The three main genres of theatre; comedy, tragedy and satyr also emerged in Athens, paving the way for theatre to come. Western theatre originated from this fascinating city and top London shows still incorporate the theatrical ideas of Greek Theatre.
A fabulous art form, many still flock to London to enjoy theatre breaks which includes tickets to one of the many fantastic London shows on offer. The ever-increasing range of technological devises mean that theatre is quite different from what it used to be, however, many of the fundamental ideas connected to theatre are the same.
So, the next time you enjoy a theatre break, ...