Monday, September 24, 2012

How To Paint With Acrylics

Friday, September 14, 2012

How to Paint - Beginner Lesson

How to Paint - Beginner Lesson
By Coco Vizoli
How to can be a difficult process but it's a process by which people express their emotions, feelings etc. The range of emotions can start from pure happiness to unnerving anger. But everyone has had an introduction to painting. You could have been introduced to it in elementary school by your favorite teacher, middle school by that annoying middle aged teacher or even high school by that one teacher that influenced your future career options. And if this hasn't happened in your early years, you could have taken a class through the community. Nevertheless, you have been introduced to some kind of painting course through your life.
Now first decide what you want to...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Architecture, the Timeless Gem

Author: Ashley Daniels
Unlike many other practical professions, architecture is an ancient discipline responsible for the design of structures and buildings whose roots can be traced back to thousands of years B.C.

Architectural history can take you through the evolution of those structures that served as a landmark to remote civilizations, such as the Phoenicians and the legendary Tower of Babel, or the Egyptians and their incredible mortuary architecture, reflected in pyramids, tombs, and many other ancient buildings along the Nile River.

In fact, the first big architectural design recorded in history was ...